Connect with Us

Thank you for visiting! This website and the resources contained here were developed by The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington Office of Digital Media. If you have any questions or would like to connect further, we’d love to hear from you! Send us a message at [email protected].

Parish Office Only

Resources for ADW parishes

This password-protected section of the Archdiocese of Washington website contains resources specifically for parish staff. You’ll find human resources documents, pastoral planning guides, information on liturgy and sacraments, and much more. Looking for the password? Ask your pastor or parish administrator. If they don’t have access, please ask them to contact the ADW communications office for more information.


Parish Briefings

Parish Briefings is a monthly newsletter containing resources for Archdiocese of Washington parish staff and clergy. The newsletter includes announcements, news, ADW event flyers and registration information, and bulletin announcements. Pastors and parish staff can sign up for the newsletter in the parish office-only section of the Archdiocese of Washington website.

Parish Listing at

Each Archdiocese of Washington parish has its own listing on the ADW website, listing the parish location, staff and clergy names, parish website and email, Mass and confession times, and more. Please review your parish’s listing from time to time, and contact us with any updates that should be made in order to keep the information up to date.

Share your stories with us

Is someone at your parish doing great work for the Church? Or is something exciting happening at your school or in your parish community? We’re looking for compelling stories that showcase the beauty of our Catholic faith throughout the archdiocese! To share a story idea about a local parishioner, parish, school, or Catholic ministry, send an email with the subject line “ADW Stories” to [email protected]. The story could be featured in the Catholic Standard or on social media!